Thursday, October 20, 2011

Huntsman's Attack on Too Big to Fail Banks

Simon Johnson's entry in the Economix blog states that John Huntsman is one of the few Republican candidates that is taking a position against big banks.

I don't agree with many of the right's beliefs but this is something we can all agree on.

Banks are too big.  The implicit backstop that they have from the government because of their size allows these banks to take on way too much risk.  As stated yesterday, Goldman reported a $2.5B investment loss.  This is a company that is now chartered as a bank, that has received bailout money as a bank and is now back to recording enormous losses in its own trading accounts.  Whether you lean to the right or to the left, I think we can all agree that this needs to stop.  Maybe Glass Steagall wasn't so bad after all.

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