Monday, November 14, 2011

Deficit Panel solution to Tax Increases...

Seems to be passing the buck to committees in each body of Congress.  It seems like this is going nowhere and the automatic cuts will take place.  Either way Grover Norquist doesn't seem to be too concerned about taxes being raised as the New York Times reports:
Grover G. Norquist, the president of Americans for Tax Reform, whose antitax pledge has been signed by most Republicans in Congress, said in an interview, “I am not losing any sleep” over the Republicans’ latest proposal. Mr. Norquist said he was confident that, “at the end of the day, the Republican House will not pass a tax increase.”
“As a face-saving measure,” Mr. Norquist said, the deficit reduction panel “could give lots of instructions to the tax-writing committees.” In complying with those instructions, he said, the House and the Senate could pass very different bills.
Lets hope that Democrats hold the line and not sacrifice the social safety net without getting significant tax hikes for the wealthy in return.

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