Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Good Read on Meritocracy vs. Plutocracy

From the blog The Big Picture, the post is by Invictus.  Good read on the income inequality here in the US.  The fact that CEOs' get these multi million dollar severance packages when they get fired is ridiculous.  These people should be held accountable for their actions.  The old saying is with great power comes great responsibility but that is not the case in the ivory towers.  If a janitor fucks up on the job there's a good chance he gets fired.  If a CEO fucks up he gets a golden parachute.  For what?  What has he created that's worth anything of value?  Has he created a world changing product or service?  No, he gets paid for tending the store.  Corporate reform should start at the very top.  The following would help to start:
  1. CEOs' cannot serve as Chairman as well.
  2. All directors should be independently appointed.  There should be no cronyism allowed.
  3. There should be huge clawback provisions if a CEO or director is proven to have done wrong.
  4. There should be no severance packages if a CEO or director are dismissed because of poor performance or behavior.
  5. There should be limits to the number of boards an individual can serve on.  How can someone serve on multiple boards and still serve the interests of the shareholders of each corporation.
  6. Stop allowing corporations to affect things in Washington.  Say no to lobbies and to corporate campaign contributions which help promote policy which benefits the few at the expense of the many.
Sorry for the rant.

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