Thursday, November 3, 2011

Is this a Sign of Progress?

Are republicans actually considering putting taxes on the table when discussing deficit reduction?  Combine this with some long range spending cuts from the Democrats and we can finally show the people of this country along with markets around the world that U.S. can come together and work through this crisis.

All of the talk in Washington about uncertainty about regulation and taxes being the reason why businesses and consumers lack confidence in the economy is bullshit.  The uncertainty in this country has more to do with the politics and the unwillingness of the right to compromise at all.  In a time of crisis a leader should not be bound to certain ideologies or doctrines.  What he should be bound by is his commitment to the very people that have elected him as their representative. Protecting the rights of the top percent at the expense of the rest of the country is dumb and will backfire eventually. 

If the reps in Congress want to improve confidence in this country why don't they start by reaching some bipartisan agreement in helping us get out of this mess (Can anyone say pass the jobs bill)?  Reaching a bipartisan agreement in the supercommittee would be a start but only a start.

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