Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Missing the Point?

Why is it that Washington always seems to miss the point?
  1. Why does Washington insist on cutting spending at time when the government needs to support the citizens of the country by investing in productive things like infrastructure and education?
  2. Why do the politicians who serve this country insist on catering to the few with deep pockets and not to the majority?
  3. Why do Republicans insist on pushing deregulation and tax cuts to get us out of this mess when these issues are what got us into this mess in the first place?
  4. Why do we bailout too big to fail banks but when it comes to helping out the victims of these banks all we can come up with are excuses?
  5. Why do Republicans claim the other side is being partisan while they refuse to compromise on any issues?
  6. Why do we still believe that low taxes and deregulation will help solve our problems when the last 30 years have proven that these policies fail miserably?
  7. Why has this country forgotten what made us great?  We used to be the land of opportunity, now we are the land of the privileged few.
  8. Can we stop claiming that class warfare is the result of political rhetoric and realize that policy is to blame?
  9. Do we really believe that the majority of the unemployed are lazy freeloaders that are sucking from the government tit?
  10. Why do we allow government officials to be so affected by money?
  11. Why are there not term limits for all government representatives?
  12. Why do we allow too big to fail banks which were bailed out by taxpayers to continue to exist?
  13. Why do we look down on protesters and don't realize that if these people had jobs they wouldn't be out on the streets?
  14. Why do we view corporations as people?  Is this a joke?
  15. Why doesn't the government stop claiming that stimulus didn't work and pass a stimulus bill that will be large enough to make a difference?
  16. Why does the right claim that corporations need tax breaks to create jobs when corporations are already sitting on a record pile of cash?
  17. Why do we believe that in a capitalist society players will self regulate?
Washington is missing the point?

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