Tuesday, November 22, 2011

US Government Continues To Fail Citizens

The brilliant idea  from Washington that we will put together a "supercommittee" with members selected evenly along party lines that will solve the budget problems was a huge joke from the very beginning.  The fact that our elected officials can't come to a resolution seems to be a surprise to nobody.  The committee was due to fail from its inception and again shows how bad things are in Washington.  There is no leadership among the ranks starting from the president and going all the way through the corrupted Congress who seem more concerned with serving the interests of their rich providers as opposed to the interests of the people that elected them. 

Over the last 30 years this country has witnessed a changing of the guard.  What was once the land of opportunity has become the land of the wealthy.  The income gap has been steadily widening as taxes on the upper class have been dropping.  Health care costs have been rising while pensions are becoming a thing of the past.  Regulation has been eliminated while the identity of what a person is has been blurred.  The results are nothing short of catastrophic on the middle class as we deal with falling home prices, rising healthcare costs, a greater need to put aside funds for retirement, and a threat from Washington to cut the social safety net from under us under the disguise of cutting spending.  The burden that the middle class has been carrying for the past 30 years is strange considering that the rich have done so well in this country during that time. Now that the country is in a time of need, it almost seems like a no brainer that the solution to the budget problem would be to demand more from the people that have reaped the benefits of Washington's generosity.  A no brainer however it isn't as these are the same people who fund our politicians reelection campaigns.

We are once again witnessing an interesting yet very destructive phenomenon which is occurring in Washington.  One which if not corrected soon will be directly responsible for the demise of this country.  The founding fathers of this country created our democracy to be run "for the people by the people (and no they didn't mean that business entities are people)."  By doing this they gave the citizens of this country a great responsibility.  A responsibility that everyone of us needs to stand up and exercise next year in an effort to find the right people who can carry the interests of the nation as a whole forward.  Not the interests of an ideology or a wealthy donor at the expense of the rest of us. 

It's time to take our country back and it should start by getting rid of some of the people in Congress who can't help but help themselves at the expense of the nation but then are smart enough of spin things in order to convince citizens that what they are doing is for the best of the country.  Can anybody say supercommittee?

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