Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hungary Gone Rogue?

There is a troubling scene which is taking place in Hungary.  It has occurred ever since Viktor Orban and his Fidesz party won a 2/3 majority in Hungarian Parliament.  Since his rise to power, Orban has done everything he could to force out judges, eliminate the independence of the central bank, and to eliminate any notion of a free press.  This has forced the EU to spend time focusing on a rogue state which no longer wants to abide by it's rules.  How the EU handles this situation will be of great importance as it needs to show solidarity in its leadership ranks during a time when it is trying to strong-arm it's southern members into more fiscal responsibility..  If this solidarity breaks, it could set precedent for other member states to do similar things to Hungary, especially now that many member states are being forced to suffer through austerity measures which are pushing voting citizens further and further into hardship.

There is only so much pain that people will be willing to take before they decide that enough is enough and once they get to this point of desperation people make rash decisions such as electing rogue leaders which can set the country and the world back many years.

Read this and this.

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