Monday, January 23, 2012

Steve Rattner on Debt

Great piece by Steve Rattner on the National debt levels and what we should do with the money we borrow.  Investing borrowed funds on infrastructure, and research and development are great investments which will offer a great rate of return for the country especially with the rate to borrow being so low. 

If we're going to borrow to help the economy, lets not waste the money on tax cuts but rather focus the money on things which will improve the country's depleted infrastructure system, will add funds to research that no public company will want to take a part in because of cost but which could contribute greatly to the betterment of our country if allowed to blossom, and finally to the education system of this country which has fallen behind the rest of the developed world but is responsible for creating the future leaders of this country.  These are all things that we have focused on in the past and which have been proven to work. Don't focus efforts on giving tax cuts which do nothing more than redistribute wealth to a small amount of people in hopes that they will throw crumbs to the rest of the public. Take advantage of the most valuable resource that this country has to offer, it's citizens.  By investing in the people of this country we will realize returns in great excess to the amounts borrowed.

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