Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thoughts on Calls for Deregulation

It is of vital importance that the calls from the right to deregulate industries be ignored.  It is completely preposterous to say that companies are being hogtied by the government thus keeping the economy from growing.  What is keeping the economy from growing is the trillions of dollars in value lost by citizens of this country and around the world because of lax regulation of the banking industry.  In the housing sector alone since 2006 there has been a whopping loss of $7 trillion which has affected the middle class and the poor the most.

So instead of screaming about the budget deficit that has ballooned recently in an effort to keep the economy from self destructing under the weight of the deregulation that has occurred in this country over the last 30 years under the watch of both parties maybe we should be pushing our elected representatives to look for ways to keep tabs on companies in a cost effective way.

We need to come to grips with the fact that this country will collapse under the weight of its own greed if we don't address these issues expeditiously. If we care about the country then lets make the sacrifices necessary in order to protect the most important asset that it has, it's people.

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