Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Another Lesson Unlearned

Wow!  This time the GOP has really duped the Democrats.  Looks like all of those hard lessons we learned through the bucket shops of the 1920's to the Enron's of the 2000's are about to be unlearned all for the sake of job creation.  When will these idiots who make these decisions start to include the costs of fraud, mistrust, and dishonesty in their deregulation calculations.  THE MARKET CANNOT GOVERN ITSELF.  ANYONE WHO IS GIVEN A CHANCE TO GAIN AN EDGE WILL TAKE THAT CHANCE.  This will come at the expense of the innocent and less learned and will once again cost the government trillions in the future, trillions that many on the hill don't want to talk about but will be quick to point fingers about in the future (Obama is the reason why the budget is in shambles.  It has nothing to do with the deregulation that was put into place over the past 30 years that we are now paying for!). We are simply replaying an old record again and hoping for a different tune.  The irony of the whole thing is that we know the economic problems were caused at least partially by deregulation and yet here we go again deregulating.  Can we please get these jerks out of office please (both sides of the aisle)!!!  Link to article here.

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